Consumer Math Game

Here is a link to my website, hosted by PythonAnywhere.  Use the password 'guest'.

I built this web application from scratch as a hobby project to teach myself the basics.  The goal was to use the game as a teaching resource for the high school consumer math class I currently teach.  The board game 'Life' ends with everybody a millionaire, so I wanted something a little more realistic so that students could see the consequences of their decisions (or lack of decisions). 

I have introduced it to some of my students in the Intro to CS: Python class I facilitate, but mostly to show them what is possible with a little bit of grit.  It is a fully functional game, albeit with some bugs (and not a lot of polish).  So far it is not flashy enough for my Juniors and Seniors in consumer math, but I'll keep working on them!

I learned a ton about Python, Flask, requests and the basics of web applications, HTML and CSS during this project, and there is a ton more I'd like to incorporate (game features, a real database instead of python module shelve to store information, etc).

If the link doesn't work, either I am reworking something and temporarily broke the game, or I need to refresh the web app (trade off for a free platform, definitely worth it).


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